Friday, May 7, 2010

20 Weeks. 16 to go (and plus minus...)

Yeah, it's been 20 weeks. And after all these weeks, today is the real real real vomiting of nothing and saliva. Eww.

I want to post picture of my sonogram here (oh Arfa thanks for the word now the Momma knows one extra word) but I need a scanner first. I do have it at home, but LAZY.

I think the baby is moving.... But I'm not really sure how it moves. Whether it IS the baby, or maybe it's just my stomach grumbling? First timer. :P

To all other friends who are also expecting, Soul, Siti and others that I might not been updated yet, congratulations and may you'll get a geedy goofy geeky little babies. And cute and adorable. Hehe... But not girly ya, expecting boy ke apa takut girly2 plak. Hehe.

Next time I'll tell more about my first ever visit to the Gov Clinic. Was kind of loser sorang2 dia sia :( I need my hubby. Huhu.

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