Monday, April 12, 2010

4months Check Up

Has been very happy last few days. Went to PMC for a check-up and the baby is fine, saying hello to dad. Hehe.

Considering of going to Penang this week for a check-up at a hospital there. Been considering to deliver the baby there in Penang instead of KL. Maybe induce to set the date ya?

Now I miss my hubby... :(


  1. due bln seploh ke?hehe..jgn serentak ngan bini aku dah..haha.

  2. Alo soul, lama tak dengar cite kau. Hehe. EDD aku bulan 9, tapi baby kau bulan 10 dah cukup bagus, personaliti dia sama la dengan aku, October Babies memang cool :P


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